On Hypocrisy

As a society, people today feel the need for self-projection more than they have ever felt before, what with the insane competitiveness and one-upmanship across every segment of society. Not many really feel the need to go through the laborious process of carving a niche for themselves based on merit, capability and eligibility.
With the kind of medium available, creating and conveying an image, a profile, has just got so easy. Hypocrisy, therefore, has become almost an acceptable fad today, because most people seem to be indulging in it, in varying degrees.
Pretending to have virtues, morals, beliefs, principles, etc., that we do not actually possess has become the norm. To feign to be possessing desirable or publicly approved attitudes is ever so common today. Basically using language to conceal rather than reveal is what one is talking about.
Like how William Shakespeare described hypocrisy “Well, whiles I am a beggar, I will rail and say there is no sin but to be rich; and being rich, my virtue then shall be to say there is no vice but beggary.”
However, hypocrisy surely must be the most uncomfortable state of mind to be in and one really doesn’t know when one would stand exposed, or slip.
The virtual medium today is the most popular play-ground for hypocrites and, equally, the most dangerous. Because, a virtual world can only offer a virtual profile, which is just a bubble. Once it bursts which it will sooner than later, it would only leave us faceless before the world.
So, while being ourselves may not seem a very flashy thing to do, believe me, it will always hold us in good stead. We must all review about our real selves vis-a-vis our public profile, especially if we are using the virtual medium for profiling ourselves.
Be real, be happy. Atleast, what shall then be your’s shall be for keeps and certainly not just a bubble!
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Panchami Manoo Ukil


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